Indiana Thespian Gold Honor Troupe
Indiana State Thespian Conference
The Annual State Conference takes place in January, with hundreds of student thespians attending from all over the state. There is a one-act play competition, as well as Individual Events, known as the "Thespys." Students also have the opportunity to apply and interview for State Thespian Officer positions, which is an annual term of state advocacy and servant leadership.
Regional One-Act Conference, Horse Girls
Second Place Qualifier Best Technical Award Outstanding Supporting Performer, Emerson Dickson as Brandi State One-Act Conference, Every Brilliant Thing International Thespian Festival Chapter Select Second Place Overall Best Ensemble Outstanding Supporting Performer, Emerson Dickson as Brandi State Thespian Officers, William Scott and Bailey Gilbert |
Thespy Individual Events Superior Ratings
Dance Duet
Morgan Froehle & William Scott, Best of Show 🥇 Hadley Bauer & Audrey Stewart Anna Green & Xander Gaylord Musical Theatre Solo Silvia Periago Musical Theatre Duet Owen Elsbury & Brooks Roseberry |
Acting Solo
Emerson Dickson Becca Downs Costume Construction Julianne Offutt, Best of Show🥇 Stage Management Bailey Gilbert, Best of Show🥇 |
Musical Theatre Group
Anna Green, Reilly Ketterer, Brooks Roseberry, Kayleigh Allen-Duncan, John Thomas Richardson, William Scott, Landon Siebert, & Morgan Froehle, Best of Show 🥇
Stella Andres, Anna Burnham, Brylee Deuser, Becca Downs, Kaitlyn Murphy & Silvia Periago
Hadley Bauer, Reese DeWitt, & Audrey Stewart
Anna Green, Reilly Ketterer, Brooks Roseberry, Kayleigh Allen-Duncan, John Thomas Richardson, William Scott, Landon Siebert, & Morgan Froehle, Best of Show 🥇
Stella Andres, Anna Burnham, Brylee Deuser, Becca Downs, Kaitlyn Murphy & Silvia Periago
Hadley Bauer, Reese DeWitt, & Audrey Stewart

Thespy Individual Events Superior Ratings
Dance Duet William Scott & Morgan Froehle Dance Group Adrien King, Emma Hockensmith, and Morgan Froehle, Best of Show🥇 Musical Theatre Duet Brylee Deuser & Kayleigh Allen-Duncan Musical Theatre Group Kayleigh Allen-Duncan, Anna Burnham, Brylee Deuser, Brooks Roseberry, and Silvia Periago, Best of Show🥇 Stage Management Bailey Gilbert |
State Thespian Officer, William Scott
Thespy Individual Events Superior Ratings
Dance Solo
Emma Hockensmith, Best of Show 🥇 Dance Group Ruby Miller, Roxie Miller, Charlee Watson, Bekah Buckman, Elizabeth Dohoney, Haakan Packwood, Kylie Weaver, Sarah Reesor, Adrien King, Sydnee Metzinger, Zane Miller, Bailey Whitbeck, Morgan Froehle, Autumn Euker, Emma Hockensmith, and William Scott, Best of Show🥇 Musical Theatre Solo Ruby Miller Musical Theatre Duet Adrien King and Roxie Miller, Best of Show🥇 Brylee Deuser and Silvia Periago Musical Theatre Group Cassie Nevitt, Haakan Packwood, Morgan Ray, and Sarah Reesor, Best of Show🥇 |
Acting Solo
Sydnee Metzinger, Best of Show🥇 Delaney Cook Teagan Kennedy Costume Design Kaylee Johnson, Best of Show🥇 Costume Construction Indi Puckett Marketing Design Kaylee Johnson Lighting Design Ari Craig Set Design Maggie Smallwood Stage Management Jeff Wagner |
Regional One-Act Conference, Eurydice
Third Place Qualifier State One-Act Conference, Eurydice Third Place Overall Best Technical Element Outstanding Supporting Performer, Sydnee Metzinger as Little Stone State Thespian Officer, Jeff Wagner Thespy Individual Events Superior Ratings Solo Musical Theatre Ruby Miller, Best of Show🥇 Cassidy Nevitt Morgan Ray Olivia Sutherlin Duet Musical Theatre Sarah Reesor & Haakan Packwood Stage Management Jeff Wagner |